Saturday 10 October 2015

Drawing Cubes/rectangular objects and Perspective drawing

Week 1 and 2 of Term 1. Looking into key things that I want to practice in drawing throughout the year.

Things I want to draw and practice over time are of the following:

-        Faces (nose, eyes, mouth hair and expressions)
-        Characters (People and Anatomy)
-        Hands
-        Perspective
-        Animals
-        Environments
-        Colour Mixing and Colour Palette
-        Searching my own style.

Week 1 concentrates on Perspective and Life drawing/studies using everyday objects and using the form of shapes.

Small Observational drawings of objects incorporating basic perspective. 

Week 2 - observational drawings of statues heads. Drawings are done in a museum in Oxford. Each study are around 30 to 40 minutes of drawing time.