Thursday 28 January 2016

First Story covers - design and presentation

Live brief to produce illustration covers for the anthology books of poems for schools.
Titles for each over are:

“My Voice as a Shy Tiger”

“Broken but Mending”

“I Can’t Imagine…”


Decided to do covers that I can quickly think for design/illustration. 3 covers out of the 4 I had chosen to do are “My Voice of a Shy Tiger”, “I Can’t Imagine…” and “Journeys”.
Here are the illustrations I had produced for the chosen titles that I would be presenting for the schools, all averaging around 2+ hours to produce. These are slightly polished than I usually intended to do so I can express what the final product would look like.

Illustration for “My Voice as a Shy Tiger”

 Illustration for “I Can’t Imagine…”

Illustration for “Journeys”

These covers were then presented in groups for each cover to pitch my design/illustrations to discuss my ideas to the students to get an understanding of what the cover is intended to show and the ideas behind it that helps to draw some relevance between the image and the title.

I was surprised that one of my covers, the “I Can’t Imagine…” illustration was short listed, despite being one of my least favourite covers from the 3 in my honest opinion. Though this is something that I shouldn’t be complaining about since situations like this where your least favourite design is picked over some of your best covers that was made for the other titles within the professional practice. At least one of my cover is shortlisted by the students, better than not having any cover shortlisted at all. 

Finalised version of the cover ready to be sent to the school for their final choosing.

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Children Expression - Child Drawings

Looking at photos of myself as a child and to make some studies/quick sketches on the anatomy of a child, something I have not touched upon in drawing people, although I have drawn child characters, but for anatomy studies. 

Most drawings are of portraits of myself as a child. To draw a child involved in an activity is hard and I did not find any photos that I can use as reference to help me draw a small sequence. Most of these sketches focuses on the face and facial features, something that I want to improve on when it comes to draw people, as they are the most defining feature of a person. 

Cardboard Head - Nonsense Narrative

Drawings based on the cardboard box head I had made and converted it into a character. Quick sketches. Did not add too much detail in order to maintain the simplicity of the head. 

Short narrative sequence with two characters from the masks we had all made, including my character.