Monday 18 April 2016

"Bring it all Together" Workshop

Throughout the module I had learned a few new skills through various exercises such as colours, lighting and perspective. For the last exercise I will be incorporating these 3 skills that I had practiced from these previous exercises to produce a five-panel illustration narrative.

- Perspective 

It was a good practice learning these skills over time of the course and I will now use what I have learnt so far to produce the work for this exercise. Everything I will be doing for this will be done digitally through Photoshop as I wanted to further improve my practice in my chosen medium. For the piece i decided to draw something that is of my current interests at the moment, and that is colours and scenery. Originally I was going to focus on creatures/characters, although I feel the need to improve on environment/scenery imagery. The idea for the piece is to create a atmospheric tone, which is one of the things I am currently working on for personal pieces outside of university study.

I had decided to approach the exercise to produce a very short narrative in the form of storyboard/graphic novel, because storyboards is something that I do want to practice rather than creating 5 pieces of artwork individually and make it into a set. I’m not exactly confident with perspective at the moment though I used a grid to create a 3rd dimensional space within the scene to get a rough idea of how things will be placed correctly as well as to draw objects and characters more accurately within the space itself. This will at least help for the problem solving to try and get things right for the images. 

Colour mixing is what I had enjoyed the most to be honest and experimenting with different colour choices and blending helps to choose which mixture of colours would be suitable for the illustration. Sometimes there could be more work into the mixture though the most important part is to play around with colour choices. 

Final piece for the exercise. Figure drawing could of have been slightly better since I need to practice more and for the colours/setting I am certainly confident with, though there can be some minor adjustments/tweaks to tidy up and to blend objects/scenery together so they won’t feel as if they are just slapped on top of each   other that would otherwise feel out of place. 

Tuesday 5 April 2016

"Drawing the Line" Risograph Workshop

The workshop was to create a double page spread image that will be used in a publication that will be printed using only two colours through the Risograph printer. I approached the workshop by just simply creating a double page image with very little detail considering I have not used the Risograph printer before to print stuff and I may find it difficult to mix colours/colour separating various parts of the image. 

Colour separation for BLACK

Colour separation for BLUE

The two chosen colours is black and blue and the colour separation was manageable. If I had made the image slightly complicated or perhaps more detailed then it would of troubled me in some way to get things right. I’m not exactly fond of printing through the Risograph and its very limited colour palette on printing so I wanted to make the illustration simple so I can get some idea of how things work with the Riso, in terms of using the printer, colour separation and the technical side of it.